
Sarah Kelly talks to Career Lab

Conor Lynch visits Dublin Tech Summit 2024

Sporting my dapper lab coat to promote my Career Lab meetups, I conducted critical research at the Dublin Tech Summit. As my interviewees were all busy rushing around, I wanted to get the maximum insight in one or two minutes. How did I do this?

I asked these 10 people the same three simple questions - what are your best, worst, and next career moves?

I wanted to find out what are the learnings from great and ghastly career moves. This helps us follow their lead, or make sure you learn from their mistakes.

Career Lab Trailer »

Connect with Sarah Kelly

Thanks to the others featured in this video series, namely Darren Mowat + Zeljana Babic + Dmitriy Dranko + Ruben Hernandez + Harshal Patil + Ricardo Moran + Peter Turley + Stephen Conmy + Rob Cullen

Sorry for the delay in releasing this collection as I was busy trying to write a book about the future of careers. Watch out soon for sneak peeks from the book right here on my conorlyn.ch website.

Connect with me on LinkedIn too here as Conor Lynch.