Personal Business Archives - Tori McCann
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How to make a self-made career in fitness

Tori McCann – Marketer – Side hustler – Dancer – Entrepreneur

After moving to online working from home last year, Tori McCann took the opportunity of having extra free time to follow her dancing passion. Having danced since the age of three years old, she founded her side hustle business Torre Barre, which makes home workouts more accessible during lockdown.

Since starting her business, the 24-year-old has built a loyal following and offers online classes throughout the week via Zoom. She uses her former dancing expertise to make exercising fun and aims to ‘bring the benefits of ballet to everyBODY’.

Tori shared some of her advice on how to make it as a side hustler with Conor, books and podcasts that inspire her, and talked about what she hopes for the future for Torre Barre.

Evolve but stay consistent

Tori spoke about how it is important to be consistent with your branding but it can evolve as your business and knowledge grows.

She said, “I always knew in my mind that I wanted the branding to be pink… but that’s probably the only thing that has stuck the whole really. I’ve changed the logo as I’ve gone through and slowly developed things over time, so it’s always stayed consistent but definitely evolved from when I first began.”

You’re not alone

When asked about how she manages everything, while also working full-time, Tori explained that she uses freelancers and outsources for help on her website to offload some of the work. She said: “If there are people available to you, use them.”

Email marketing is imperative

Tori emphasised how, despite attracting clients mostly from social media, email marketing is also important in connecting with people, and said “I get a few messages saying ‘I’m deleting the Instagram app but I still want to get involved’, and I always say join my mailing list and go from there.”

Because social networking changes all the time, Tori wants to make sure she can always connect with her clients. “I’m also a bit paranoid that one day social media is just going to stop, or everyone is going to come off Instagram, and still want to be able to contact my customers.”

Just go for it

“My one bit of advice for everyone is just go for it… and if something fails, what is the worst that could happen? You might lose a bit of money maybe, might have wasted a bit of time, but in the long run it’s not a waste of time because you will have learnt so much from it and things you can take into whatever it is you do next!”

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Personal Business
I talk about how to achieve your personal best with Personal Brands and Personal Business.